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Remote working fuels demand for cloud apps

8 May 2015

Remote working fuels demand for cloud appsThe use of remote working tools, including cloud technology and other online apps, has radically increased as more professionals spend time working away from the office.

New research by Regus has found that 85% of workers have used at least one tool enabling remote working in the past month. The poll surveyed over 4,000 senior business people across the UK.

The majority of respondents (81%) reported that cloud apps in particular are providing cost-effective access to office tools wherever they are.

The research found that Dropbox is the most commonly used online file-sharing service, used by 64%, followed by Google Drive (37%) and Microsoft Remote Desktop (25%).

The findings also show that instant messaging tools and VoIP are changing the way workers communicate. The most popular VoIP messaging application is Skype, used by 58% of respondents, followed by Facebook Messenger (47%) and Viber (12%).

The most popular instant messaging app for smartphones is WhatsApp, used by 48% of workers once a month or more. Only 15% of those polled said they had not used an instant messaging tool in the past month.

Richard Morris, UK ceo of Regus, said: "More and more businesses are offering staff the opportunity to work remotely at least occasionally. Online tools are helping to overcome some of the hurdles traditionally associated with working from outside of the office, such as feeling out of touch with colleagues or being unable to access documents. Technology is bridging the gap.

"As these tools continue to develop, we expect more and more businesses to recognise the benefits of allowing employees to work flexibly. This approach has many advantages, such as cutting costs for the business and reducing lengthy commutes for employees, and consequently boosting productivity."

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